Drop down menu

File - choose files
Opens a file choser dialog. The selected files are appended to the list of the "Files" frame.
File - exit
Exit the program and free all recources.

PIV - run PIV image analysis
Start a PIV image analysis in a seperate thread. Expects at least one selected image file link in the "Files" frame. The evaluation is dependent on the settings on the panels JPIV - PIV - General and JPIV - PIV - Interrogation Window.
PIV - run single-pixel-sum-of-correlation
Start a single pixel ensemble correlatin. Expects a number of selected image file links in the "Files" frame. Parameters are set on the JPIV - PIV - Single Pixel Correlation panel. Eventually a pre-shift file is calculated based on the settings on the panels JPIV - PIV - General and JPIV - PIV - Interrogation Window.

Script - open script
Copies the content of a text file into the "Cmd" frame.
Script - save script
Copies the content of the "Cmd" frame into a file.
Script - execute script
Hands the content of a text file over to a BeanShell interpreter.

Below, all script file names are listed that are found in the directory named "jsc" below the JPIV library directory that is specified on the tab JPIV - Preferences - Paths.
Vector - normalized median test
Marks vectors as invalid using the normalized median test proposed by Jerry Westerweel and Fulvio Scarano (Experiments in Fluids (2005) 39: 1096-1100). The velocity data remains unchanged, but the value in the fifth column (generally the peak height) is set to -1 for invalid vectors. Parameters are set on the JPIV - Vector Processing - Normalized Median Test panel. All vector processing functions expect selected files in the "Files" frame.
Vector - invalidate isolated vectors
Sets the value in the fifth column of a vector data file to -1 for all vectors that have less neighbours than specified on the panel JPIV - Vector Processing - Remove Isolated Vectors.
Vector - replace invalid vectors by median
Replaces invalid vectors by the median of their eight surrounding vectors. A vector is considered to be invalid if its fifth column is negative or null.
Vector - remove invalid vectors (set to zero)
Sets the value in the third and forth column to zero, when the value in the fifth column is negative or null.
Vector - substract reference displacement
Substracts the values specified on the panel JPIV - Vector Processing - Substract Reference Displacement from the third and fourth column of the selected vector data files.
Vector - 3x3 median filter
Replaces every vector by the median of its surrounding vectors inclusive itself.
Vector - 3x3 smoothing
Replaces every vector by the average of its surrounding vectors inclusive itself.
Vector - average vector fields
Takes a number of selected vector data files as input and combines them in a single file by calculating the average displacements. All vector data files should have the same number of nodes.
Vector - normal vorticity
Calculates the vorticity component perpendicular to the measurement plane, ωz, and writes it to the fifth column. The derivatives in ωz = ∂uy/∂x - ∂ux/∂y are calculated by means of a five point linear regression. This noise-insensitive method is especially useful for oversampled data, and structures that are large compared to the grid spacing. Structures that are of the same magnitude as the grid spacing might be smoothed too heavily.
Vector - in-plane shear
Calculates εxy = ∂ux/∂y + ∂uy/∂x. Derivatives are calculated analog to the normal vorticity derivatives.
Vector - extensional strain
Calculates η = ∂ux/∂x + ∂uy/∂y. Derivatives are calculated analog to the normal vorticity derivatives.
Vector - reconstruct third velocity component
Calculates the third velocity component for a selected 3d stack of 2d vector fields, assuming conservation of mass and incompressibility. For this special case, the divergence is zero, or ∇u = 0. The out of plane velocity gradient, ∂uz, is then calculated by ∂uz= (-∂ux/∂x - ∂uy/∂y) ∂z = -η. The derivatives are calculated as explained for the normal vorticity. It is further assumed, that the first (top) measurement plane is outside the flow. The absolute out-of-plane velocity component for every point i,j and every plane k is then calculated by integrating along z, starting with the top plane (uzi,j,k = ∑∂uzi,j,0...k). The distance between the measurements planes, ∂z, is defined on the 3C Reconstruction settings tab.

Frames - arrange internal frames
Arranges the internal frames "Settings", "Files", and "Cmd" next to each other.

Docs - show html documentatin
Opens the panel JPIV - Documentation and shows the file "index.html"