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paint(Graphics) - Method in class jpiv2.FloatingFrame
Automatically called when the frame has to be painted.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class jpiv2.SplashScreen
Automatically called when the frame has to be painted.
parabolicPeakFit(float[][], int, int) - Static method in class jpiv2.PivUtil
Parabolic peak fit.
parabolicPeakFit(PlanarImage, int, int) - Static method in class jpiv2.PivUtil
Parabolic peak fit.
paste() - Method in class jpiv2.CmdFrame
Copies the currently selected text from the system clipboard
PDF - Static variable in class jpiv2.FlexFileChooser
Show only portable data format files.
PGM - Static variable in class jpiv2.FlexFileChooser
Show only portable grey map image files.
PIV_CASCADE - Static variable in class jpiv2.Settings
PIV_CONSECUTIVE - Static variable in class jpiv2.Settings
PIV_PAIRS - Static variable in class jpiv2.Settings
PIV_SKIP - Static variable in class jpiv2.Settings
PIV_TWO_IMG - Static variable in class jpiv2.Settings
PivData - Class in jpiv2
This class provides some functionality for 2D-PIV-data processing.
PivData(String) - Constructor for class jpiv2.PivData
Construction of a jpiv2.PivData object from a single file.
PivData(String[]) - Constructor for class jpiv2.PivData
Construction of a jpiv2.PivData object from a list of files.
PivData(double[][]) - Constructor for class jpiv2.PivData
Construction of PIV-data from a two dimensional array.
PivData(int, int, int, int, int, int, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jpiv2.PivData
Construction of PIV-data from initial parameters
PivDataFilter - Class in jpiv2
Filters for PIV data.
PivDataFilter(JPiv, int) - Constructor for class jpiv2.PivDataFilter
Creates a new instance of PivDataFilter
PivDataReduce - Class in jpiv2
PIV Data reduction.
PivDataReduce(JPiv, int) - Constructor for class jpiv2.PivDataReduce
Creates a new instance of PivDataFilter.
pivDefaultDestFileName - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
PivEvaluation - Class in jpiv2
PIV Evaluation.
PivEvaluation(JPiv) - Constructor for class jpiv2.PivEvaluation
Creates a new instance of PivEvaluation
pivHorPreShift - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
Horizontal pre-shift of the interrogation window during the first pass.
PivImg - Class in jpiv2
A double frame pixel image representation.
PivImg(JPiv, String) - Constructor for class jpiv2.PivImg
Creates a new instance of PivImg.
PivImg(JPiv, String, String) - Constructor for class jpiv2.PivImg
Creates a new instance of PivImg by combining two single image files to a double frame image.
PivImg(JPiv, String[], int) - Constructor for class jpiv2.PivImg
Creates a new instance of PivImg by applying an operation to a file list.
pivMedian - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
Apply a median filter between the passes.
pivMultiPass - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
Number of passes.
pivNormMedianTest - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
Perform a normalized median test between the passes.
pivReplace - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
Replace invaldid vectors by the median between the passes.
pivROI - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
Constricts the PIV evaluation on a region of interest if true.
pivROIP1x - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
Upper, left boundary of region of interest.
pivROIP1y - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
Upper, top boundary of region of interest.
pivROIP2x - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
Lower, right boundary of region of interest.
pivROIP2y - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
Lower, bottom boundary of region of interes.
pivSequence - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
One of the constants PIV_TOW_IMG, PIV_CONSECUTIVE, PIV_PAIRS, PIV_SKIP, PIV_CASCADE to define which images to correlate with each other.
pivShearIntWindows - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
Use window deformation to enhance accuracy.
pivSkip - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
The number of images to skip if pivSequence==PIV_SKIP.
pivSmoothing - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
Use 3x3 smoothing (average) between the passes.
pivSumOfCorr - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
Sum up all correlation functions of an ensemble before searching the correlation peak position.
pivUseDefaultDestFileName - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
Set true to use a default or software set destination file name.
pivUseImageBaseName - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
Set true to use the image base name as the default output filename.
PivUtil - Class in jpiv2
Calculates the two dimensional cross-correlation function of two images.
PivUtil() - Constructor for class jpiv2.PivUtil
pivVerPreShift - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
Vertical pre-shift of the interrogation window during the first pass.
pivWindow - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
Definition of the interrogation window size, search domain size and vector spacing.
PNG - Static variable in class jpiv2.FlexFileChooser
Show only portable network graphic files.
print() - Method in class jpiv2.PivData
Print data to std-out.
printFields() - Method in class jpiv2.Settings
printGlobalStatistics() - Method in class jpiv2.DisplayVecFrame
Print vector statistics.
printStartupMessage() - Method in class jpiv2.JPiv
Prints a startup message to standard out.
profileAverage - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
Calculate the average of a number of parallel profiles.
profileDistance - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
Distance between profiles.
profileFixDataPoints - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
Create a fixed number of data points, independent on the length of the profile.
profileNumberOf - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
Number of profiles to average.
profileNumOfFixDataPoints - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
Specify the number of data points along the profile.
profilePrintData - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
Prints the data of the interpolated profile to standard output, if true.
profilePrintStat - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
If true, print some statistics to standard output, when a profile is drawn into a vector plot.
profileQuadInterp - Variable in class jpiv2.Settings
Use a quadratic interpolation between the points of a profile.
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